Features & Benefits of Patriot Preformed Loops:
- 15 -Year manufacturer’s warranty on Preformed Loops
- Factory dimensioned to avoid costly mistakes
- Factory assembled for number of turns and wire gauge
- Wires protected by high pressure / temperature conduit
- Entire conduit injected with water blocking material
- Rated for direct hot asphalt pave-over
- Rated for concrete overlay and will compensate for reinforcing steel draw
- Rated for cut-in without the need of “45-ing” the corners, also the use of a backer rod is not required
- Rated for temporary above-ground installation
- Highly abrasion-resistant Polyurethane alloy cover
- High tensile strength yarn reinforcement
- Good flexibility over a wide temperature range
- Minimum burst pressure of 990 psi (6,826 kPa)
- Polyurethane alloy core tube
- o.d. of 5/8” (16 millimeter) Connection: Loop head to loop lead-in
- High tensile strength Polyvinyl carbonated “T” connector to connect the loop head to the protected lead-in
- Loop wire is 16 gauge tffn/thhn stranded single conductor
- Number of wire turns to be determined by engineer or factory and will depend on loop size, loop depth, presence of reinforcing steel and special factors
- Lead-in wires are machine twisted at a minimum of 4 twists per foot (30 cm)
- One continuous wire is used in order to manufacture the loop and lead-in, no splices are used
- Extra wire shall be incorporated throughout the conduit by means of the “Z” method to compensate for pavement movement
- Entire loop and lead is filled with a flexible rubber asphalt emulsion to:
- prevent moisture entering the conduit
- prevent false calls due to movement of the wire within the conduit
- Quality control of the end product shall be performed and pass as specified in the Preformed Inductive Loop (P-ILD) Handbook 4 and be submitted to the end user
- Preformed loop shall have a 15 year warranty